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Hello. I am Chibivy, and I have severe glitch in the massive thing inside my thick skull called brain.

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College: The First Week
Sunday, June 13, 2010 | 2 left a message

The first week of college wasn't what I really expected.

I was up early on the first day. I was awake the whole night; I had no sleep at all. Really. Maybe it was because of anticipation, excitement, and nervousness all mixed up. I left our house at around 5am (even my first period is 7am) because I was worried that I might be late or something.

I had a little trouble looking for my Physical Science classroom (which is my first subject), so I asked the a maintenance man. I discovered that there was another PNU building on the other side of the road (beside TUP) and the overpass was made for the students who have to cross the street. Our G-Sci 01 prof looked kind and friendly, and that made me think that Physical Science wouldn't be a trouble this sem.

PNU main building.

Having acquaintances before the start of the classes is a big thing. After our first class, I spent the three-hour vacant time with my new comrades. Though while having lunch with them at the cafeteria, I wonder if I am really a college student already, and the answer made me miss my high school friends.

The first day was spent mostly for the passing of class cards, signing of the registration for, and a little orientation and some get-to-know each other. It wasn't really the first-day-of-classes I visualize, because I saw myself as a "shy" girl at first, but there I was, making friends and laughing and talking with them. I was able to mingle already and act the usual way I act, though at the back of my mind I knew there's a big difference in actions.

Wednesday was our Freshmen Orientation. The gym was so full of students. First year students were composed of 30 sections, by the way, with around 40 students each. I learned that there were 946 female students, and 350 male, and we have this little joke that the half of male population are gays, while the other half are silahis. Well, in PNU is a university for teachers (which is usually an occupation for female), and you cannot tell which guys are straight and which are not.

I ditched the afternoon session of the orientation. [insert naughty face here >:P ]I was texting Jette and was bugging him so I could stay in their house, and he finally gave him. He said he'll call Steni over as well. I bought the pancake mixture which he asked me to buy, a California Maki at Tokyo Tokyo for him, and yogurt for Steni.

Since the LRT was not working that day, I rode on a jeep to get to the bus station at Buendia. I tried another route near SM because I was lazy to walk back. I just hailed the jeepney with the "Buendia" signboard, not bothering to read the other many signboard on it.

The jeep went into an unfamiliar route, and I wasn't bothered because I thought that was the short cut. I saw familiar street names, so I thought I will soon reach my destination. The trip took longer than necessary, and when I saw establishments addressed in Malate then Pasay, I knew I was lost.

I didn't feel worried, though. Maybe there was a little anxiousness, but not close to panic. Inside, I was laughing at myself when I reached EDSA something because of my little adventure. Good thing there were nice people who doesn't take advantage to a lost kid. XD

We just stayed on Jette's house that day, and talked stuffs, and made plans to make Steni's remaining days in the country memorable.

We elected our officers the next day, and I had more new friends. I noticed that our class is somehow united, and we're nice with each other. Maybe it was because it's still the first week, but I have the feeling that our section will have a smooth relationship with each other.

Blockmates, I-15. I am the smallest, as usual. OTL

It wasn't the first week that I really anticipated. I thought I would have a hard time adjusting to my new environment, but almost everything went on smoothly. Of course there are many changes, but I guess that is inevitable.

The hard thing about this is that I couldn't spend much time with my friends, and I really miss them. But as of now, we keep in touch with each other and assure that we will find time to be together.

I don't really believe that friendship in college is really for keeps; I'm just enjoying what we have right now. My close friends from LDSP are still the ones that I really value most.

We have lots of vacant time, and I can't wait for the feeling of being pressured and being busy again. Haha! AND I think I look like a college at all. And I'm the smallest in the class. >< //been the smallest kid since Nursery until now

College is smoothly going... so far. :)

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